

Chinese Army Gets Fashion Upgrade

Troops of the People’s Liberation Army are to become chic symbols of national pride and sophistication — so says the commander who oversaw the latest uniform upgrade.

“A uniform represents the image of the military and is a country’s calling card,” Liao told the official Xinhua news agency, complaining that the previous designs “lacked colour coordination”.

“This adjustment of our military’s uniforms gave more attention to functionality and a human touch, and the stress has been on fullness of the range, color coordination, pleasant design and clear insignia.”

The full rejig of troops’ clothes by 2009 will not be cheap — costing about 6 billion yuan (392 million pounds) for the PLA force of 2.3 million, Xinhua reported on Monday.

The tone of green used in army outfits appeared darker than before, and berets are to become standard issue.

One big change was the removal of a red band from green, rimmed hats. Xinhua said critics wanted to keep the flash of colour, which symbolised the ruling Communist party.

1 comments for �Chinese Army Gets Fashion Upgrade�

  1. Anonymous

    Looks like they're bloody flying!

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